A thoughtful approach to midlife motherhood and what comes next


Listen to stories told by Camille Johnson as she reflects on her life raising a family of 5 kids, being happily married for 25 years, and finding the joy and laughter of it all. She has been trying to find the floor to her kids' rooms for a while and gets a peek about once a week. Come listen as she shares her journey of finding her floor both literally and figuratively as she contemplates, life, love, cleaning, pets, books, remodeling, being a taxi driver, finding wholeness, living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and figuring out what she finally wants to be when she grows up. If this podcasting becomes a thing well maybe this is it. Thanks for listening!

The Anatomy of Peace - Part 7 - 4 steps to a heart at peace -   episode 183

 “While you are correct that a heart at peace alone won’t solve your complex outer problems, those problems can’t begin to be solved without it.”  Another part talking about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.  This week I share the chapters that help us identify how to get out of the box and go from a heart at war to a heart at peace.  I share more about Yusuf’s background and the person he met that helped him get his heart to peace.  In these chapters we learn the 4 steps to get us to a heart at peace. 

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The Anatomy of Peace - Part 6 - Taking off your shoes -   episode 182

  “Joining the youth in their hardships helps them because it helps us not to invite their hearts to go to war.”  We continue learning from the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.  This week I begin to talk more about the process of getting our hearts to peace.  I also tell of the metaphor of taking off our shoes; a way to allow space for others to help their hearts get to peace, thanks to the camper Jenny.  Then I also share more about Avi’s story and how his heart was also able to change to peace.  ( Happy Mother’s Day coming up all you moms out there. )


The Anatomy of Peace - Part 5 - a review of a heart at war, justification and our boxes -  episode 181

 “It will serve neither ourselves nor our loved ones to think that we are better.” This week I share more about The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.  We are in part 5 and going over a review of what the book has shared so far.  In the story the parents are finishing their first day and I share a list of all of the things that the parents have learned so far.  With a little more clarification I share the importance of our way of being even if the behavior is the same.  I tell of the discussion during the story, clarifying a little more about causes of the different styles of justification.  As well as learning that we can begin to carry our boxes with us.  And at the end an invitation to ponder which boxes you carry and how it has invited a warring heart in your life.


The Anatomy of Peace - Part 4 - Justification boxes -  episode 180

  “The more sure I am that I’m right, the more likely I will actually be mistaken.” This is the 4th episode where I am talking about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.  Covering chapters 12 and 13, I share the 4 justification boxes or styles of justification that can be typical when our hearts are at war.  I share a few stories, one involving black beans and being wrong as an example of one of the justification styles. 


The Anatomy of Peace - part 3 - self-betrayal and justification - episode 179

  “A choice to betray myself is a choice to go to war.” This is part 3 is learning more from the Book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.  In this episode I cover chapters 8 through 11 of the book.  I share more about how our hearts can be in war and learn a new term, self - betrayal.  I share the childhood story of the character Yusuf and how that story helps show the idea of self betrayal as well as the resulting justification.  I also share the choice diagram which is in the book which we learn about in the book and how self-betrayal and justification take our hearts to war. 


The Anatomy of Peace - part 2 - understanding a heart at war - episode 178

“The deepest way in which we are right or wrong, is in our way of being towards others.”  This week I continue telling you a little more about the book, The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute.   I share a few stories from the book, Avi's story of mowing the lawn.    With these stories, I help illustrate how we begin to think of people, including our family members, as annoying or unreasonable. We then start to see them as objects and then because of that we begin to invite more war. I then share a collusion diagram.  The most important understanding is not just about our actions but our way of being towards one another.  


The Anatomy of Peace - part 1 - a heart at peace or war - Episode 177

 “I become an agent of change, only to the degree that I begin to live to help things go right….”  This episode begins a series sharing the principles from the book, The Anatomy of Peace written by the Arbinger Institute.  It is a fictional story that helps teach some principles.  We are going to have a handful of parts to this book and this week I will be sharing some of the things that I learned from chapter 1 through 4.  The book begins with a story of some families who are dropping off their children at a wilderness rehabilitation camp, called Camp Moriah.  There the directors spend a few days teaching the parents so they can help facilitate change when their children are done with the program.  In this part of the book, the main parts of change is to understand that we become agents of change when we spend more time on helping things go right rather than correcting and criticizing.  Then the first principle we learn is about having a heart at war or a heart at peace.  We learn about the crusaders and Saladin and which was more successful due to their heart being at peace despite being involved in a war.  


Hope of the resurrection - an easter message - Episode 176

  “... even so in Christ, all shall be made alive.”  Happy Easter.  A quick easter message about the hope that we can gain from the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I share the belief that we all made a choice before we came to this earth to follow our Heavenly Father’s plan. I then talk of  a few ideas about this wonderful, miraculous gift that all of us will be resurrected one day and be reunited with our bodies.  What a blessing and feeling of hope we can  hold onto because of the gift of the resurrection.  Take a moment to think about that this weekend as we all celebrate Easter! 


Goal check in and reset - Episode 175

“The best thing about goals is you can start them anytime.”  How are your goals going?  In this episode I share how I have been doing in the first quarter of the year.  I also look back at many of the things that were not on my list of goals but that I accomplished over the past few months.  I also look and see where I can be better to schedule time to put my plans into place.  It is already spring and a great time to reset!


Forever Strong Part 3 - protein does a body good - Episode 174

 “It’s important to grasp that we don’t eat for protein, per se, but for AAs.”  This week is the third and final part as I talk a bit about the book, Forever Strong - A new science based strategy for aging well.  Written by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.  In this final episode I share a little bit about nutritional science and then most of the time talking about protein and the amino acids that we get from protein that help to fuel our muscles, tendons, organs, and so much more.  Protein is good and Dr. Lyon is all about animal protein.  


rever Strong Part 2 - through the decades Episode 173

 “The best way to safeguard your independence is to protect your skeletal muscle mass.” This episode is part 2 in the series discussing the book, Forever Strong: A new science based strategy for aging well written by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon  This week I share about aging and talk about the things she mentions in the book from young age through each of the age decades and through sixty-five.  Basically strengthen your muscles throughout your life and eat protein.  And it is never too late to start strengthening your muscles.  


Forever Strong Part 1 -  Episode 172

 “If your muscles are healthy, you live better.”  I am excited to start discussing the book, Forever Strong -  A new science based strategy for aging well.  Written by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.  This episode will be one of a 3 part series.  In this episode I share Dr. Lyon’s theory about skeletal muscle health and aging well.  I share some of the different unexpected benefits of healthy muscle, like supporting your immune system and acting with the endocrine system.  This book intrigued me as I am getting closer to the older years of my life and want to look for ways to keep strong and this book has a lot of great ideas.  


Nostalgia for younger years  and the benefits of looking back -  Episode 171

 “Nostalgia is bittersweet.”  This week I am talking about nostalgia.  Triggered by a movie, The Adam Project, I mentioned how I thought it would be so fun to go back in time and see myself.  I also tell how I came across some fun videos when my kids were little which made me also nostalgic for when they were little.  As a way to gain a little understanding I share a handful of benefits from looking back at our lives.  


I almost got scammed -  a few tips to keep you aware -  Episode 170

   “The message is to lure you into giving away sensitive information.” In this episode I am sharing an experience where I almost gave away a lot of very sensitive information to a scammer.  I point out the red flags that I overlooked.  I define for you a few different types of scammers, phishing for example and define them.  I also tell you some tips to keep you aware so that you can avoid these darn scammers as well. 


my drained confidence and how I am getting it back -  Episode 169

  “It’s not the absence of self-doubt, but the ongoing resistance to it.” Bear with me in this episode when I share a confidence draining experience.  Luckily I remembered the book, The Confident Mind, by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  In chapter 5 I was reminded about protecting our confidence through setbacks.  So this episode is a bit of a reminder to me of practical things to do to regain your confidence when a big drain occurs.  Things like looking for my daily progress, effort and success and then stopping the looping confidence killing thoughts and replacing them with thoughts that build energy, enthusiasm, and optimism.  


why Not? A new thought I am trying to believe -  Episode 168

  “I need to tell my brain what to focus on.”   Why not?  Is a new thought I am trying to work on.  I share the scripture from the Book of Mormon that helped me with the new thought.  I also tell you about a few different quotes and articles that talk about the importance of belief.  I conclude with a practical way to work on negative belief and how you then tell your brain what you want to think.  


The Glucose Goddess Method - a synopsis -  Episode 167

 This week I share about the Book by Jessie Inchauspe called the Glucose Goddess method.  This is a sequel to her book, Glucose Revolution.  This book uses 4 of the hacks she shares in her first book and breaks them down in a 4 week way to start to make them a habit in your life.  These hacks are the most effective at reducing glucose spikes.  So I share a reminder about Glucose spikes and how that affects our bodies.  I then tell you  about each of the hacks, how to implement it and the science behind each one.  It is a really doable method to help you reduce your cravings and gain more energy and start to heal your body. 


Looking back and looking forward with hope -  Episode 166

 “Looking back on your year can help you be motivated going into the new year.”   Happy New year to all!  I have to be honest and share that it took me an extra week to get motivated to get an episode out so I followed some advice and am taking time to look back on a few of my favorite books and episodes from 2023 as well as looking forward and sharing a few of the goals and habits for 2024.  I also mention how I am going to keep the process in mind even more than the outcome as I try to accomplish some of my goals this year.    


It's not Christmas unless  -  Episode 165

  “I was hoping to hear the Hallelujah chorus all season.”  Do you have a few things you do every year during the Christmas season that means Christmas to you?  This episode I share a number of things that I love to do during the season, from putting up my lights to wrapping presents while watching a cheesy Christmas movie.  I hope as I share a few of the different things that I like to do each year, I hope it helps you think of your things that it wouldn’t be Christmas without.  


Water Skiing - grace and works together -  Episode 164

  “The Savior's grace gives us the right to choose to become what he offers us to become.”  This is a different kind of Christmas episode.  I talk a little bit about faith and works from both Paul and James of the New Testament.  And with that I shared an idea I got from Dr. J.B. Haws who has an analogy of faith and works being like a water skier.  I explore the whole water skier analogy and share my experiences learning how to water ski to share how much work it takes to get up and also you can’t water ski without the boat.  It is a different way to think about Christ’s role in our life and I really like it.  More...

recipes, food and remembering -  Episode 163

  No one who cooks, cooks alone.”  This week I have been thinking a lot about food and the recipes we can’t live without.  I share some of our Thanksgiving must haves, like fluffy sweet potatoes and pumpkin chocolate chip bread.  I mention how I love how these recipes remind us of people, some family members who have passed on and even friends who are still around but we haven’t seen in a while.  In addition, I share my new found knowledge on how smell and memories are connected.  So enjoy this episode and let your food memories bring you back to special times in the past and also push you forward to connect them with the future.  


Old year resolutions -  Episode 162

 “yet I was, by the endeavour, a better and a happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it.”  This episode comes out and we have one month until the new year.  I am sharing this great idea of old year resolutions, an idea mentioned by Benjamin Franklin.   Old year meaning - starting in December, what are some things you want to do in the new year that you can get a jump start on. I also mention how it can be helpful to look back and reflect on how you did, where you need to change things or simply take them off your list for next year.  And adding some prayer and pondering in the process of figuring out what you are ready to start doing or becoming.  


Gratitude with my family - and the benefits galore -  Episode 161

 “Gratitude can change your brain.” In this episode I share how my family has started sharing gratitude each night for the past few weeks.  I mentioned all of the things that I have learned about gratitude and the multitude of benefits it has for us in so many different ways.  Reminding us of things like gratitude helps to change our focus, gives us courage, can heal us and even unite us.  I share what my family members thought about starting this and our goals for keeping it going.  How grateful I am for gratitude and looking forward to celebrating the holiday of gratefulness, Thanksgiving 


Dear Older Me -  Episode 160

 “Dear Older me … thank you!”  In this episode I explore an idea of dealing with expectations we have that come from our youth.  Ideas of what we wanted to be when we grew up or how we might have hoped or expected our life to turn out.  I share a few ideas of choosing to let some disappointment go and also being grateful for where you are.  I also share a few ideas to ask our own kids - questions that will help them understand more of their interests and passions and less about what job they might want when they grow up.  Ultimately helping us live a little more in the present and grateful for our decisions to get us there. 


Appreciation - the antidote to fear -  Episode 159

 “Appreciation is the highest, purest form of love.“ In this episode I talk about another chapter in the book, What Happy People Know by Dr. Dan Baker, Ph.D and Cameron Stauth. I begin by mentioning my favorite scripture and then I discuss courage as a tool for happiness and that love in what gets us to courage.  I share about the purest form of love or appreciation and how that can be an antidote to fear in our lives.  I share things from the chapter, like the appreciation audit which Dr. Baker tells us it can help heal us with good thoughts.  So if you battle fear and want the courage to do more, maybe this idea of appreciation might help.  


The importance of choice -  Episode 158

“... choice feels good because it is the ultimate expression of free will.” Choice is so important and according to the Book, What Happy People Know by Dan Bake, PhD. and Cameron Stauth, it is one of the tools you use to be happy.  In this episode I share how we all have possibilities.  I share the idea of learned helplessness and how we can over come it and then go back to some of the ideas from Habit 1 of 7 Habits of highly effective people, being proactive, using our choice of perception and the quarter-second delay.  Happy choosing and hopefully you will choose to listen! :)

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music as we age and what do I even like anymore?  -  Episode 157

 “when we love a piece of music, it reminds us of other music we have heard, and it activates memory traces of emotional times in our lives.”  Lately I have been struggling to find the music that I like.  This episode I explore a little bit the reasons why I may be struggling to find new music that I like.  I also share why we as older adults tend to get stuck with certain bands and artists from our youth and young adulthood.   It is harder to relate to more popular music,I discover,  and according to one artist that is on purpose, to annoy the older generation.  I also share how music from our youth brings back stronger emotion because we have stronger emotions and experiences at that time.  Finally I decided I just need to begin again looking through all time to find the music that works with me now. 


two funerals and some thoughts -  Episode 156

 “If you carefully consider what you wanted to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success.”  This week I am reflecting on some thoughts I have had this past week after attending two funerals.  I share my thoughts about being a more aware and caring neighbor and friend.  I also reflect on habit two from the 7  Habits of Highly Effective People, Begin with the end in mind, by Stephen R. Covey.  Then I look into some ways I can be better at getting to know people and the idea of trying to find out what is awesome or interesting about them. 


Foreboding joy and our happiness set point -  Episode 155

 ”Gratitude is the antidote to foreboding joy.”  In the episode today we are talking about joy and how it actually can be uncomfortable to let ourselves feel it as it is very vulnerable.  I share a conversation I had with my daughter that sparked a reminder of two things - foreboding joy and our happiness set point.  So I share what these two things are and how we can learn to increase our happiness set point and combat foreboding joy with gratitude.  More...

Strength in Weakness -  Episode 154

 “There is no such thing as strengths and weaknesses - it is all context”  Hey all!! So excited about this episode's topic of strength in weakness and really thinking about our weaknesses in a whole different way.  I share this week about my experience helping my brother prepare for his job interview and then thought about this idea of sharing your weakness.  I then share a few other things that I realized and heard from a few different sources, a guest on Follow him, Jody Moore and Simon Sinek.  Let’s rethink the way we look at the things we may think are a “weakness.”  More...

I don't have to make it all better - in real life - part 2 -  Episode 153

 “Validation is being with someone where they are, not where you think they should be.” 

In this episode I share the last part of this series learning about the principles of How to make everything all better by Gary B. and Joy Saunders Lundberg.  This episode I share about using this in real life, with your spouse, your parents, parents-in-law, and friends.  One of my favorite tips I share is to let your friends discover what they need to learn.  


I don't have to make it all better - in real life - Episode 152

   “[Children] have a far greater capacity for problem solving than we realize.”  This week I share examples of using the principles that we have learned the past 3 episodes from I don’t have to make everything all better by Gary and Joy Lundberg.  The last part of the book share anecdotes and  examples of how to use this with all types of relations and this week I share some things they write about young children, teenagers and adult children.  For example, making sure to listen and learning that silence on the parents' part is usually a good thing.  I also share a few of my experiences using the principles from this book and the effects it has had.  Let’s try this in real life!


I don't have to make it all better - Principles 5 & 6 - Episode 151

    “Effective teaching can only happen when you are in control of yourself.”  Another episode learning from the book, I Don’t have to make everything all better by Gary B. and Joy Saunders Lundberg.  Principles 5 and 6 are covered in this episode.  Principle 5 is Find the right time to teach and Principle 6 is learn the effective validating phrases and questions.  I spend a majority of the time talking about different situations when you can teach and the best times that you can take for that time.  And then learning a few phrases to help our loved ones feel empowered to solve their own problems.  More ...

I don't have to make it all better - Principles 3 & 4 - Episode 150

   “Just listen, try to understand, and show that you care.’  In this episode I continue sharing principles from the book, “I don’t have to make everything all better”  by Gary and Joy Lundberg.  This week's principles are: acknowledge emotions and develop the art of listening.  One thing the authors suggest is to check in with your emotions regularly.  What am I feeling right now and what is the cause?  Then I also share how the authors tell us how to listen - reminding us to, if needed,  ask questions that begin with how, what, when, where, do and is. Plus I share how I am learning with all this and failing forward.  


I don't have to make it all better - Principles 1 &2 - Episode 149

   “All of us want to be listened to and understood.”  This episode I begin sharing principles from the book “I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better”  By Gary B. and Joy Saunders Lundberg.  The first two principles that I share in this episode are: Be an effective validator and leave the responsibility where it belongs.  I share the Lundberg's definition of validation and learn a bit how to walk emotionally with people.  Then also the art of helping - like a doctor who sets a broken bone.  I also reference episode 34 - It’s not about the nail - I don’t have to solve their problems.  (So go back and listen if you haven’t heard that one yet.  This episode adds on to this idea).  


almost cornhole champion and being really bad at volleyball - Episode 148

  “Can you enjoy a sport and be bad at it?” For this episode I share two experiences from my family gathering while participating in some sports, volleyball and cornhole.  I share how incredibly bad I performed during our family volleyball game and then share my great triumph of almost becoming the cornhole champion.  And within those two stories exploring the thought of can you enjoy a sport if you are bad at it?  It is a wonder.  But it sure was fun to win!  


Growth and gratitude - Episode 147

   “When we take time to notice the things that go right – it means we’re getting a lot of little rewards throughout the day” - Martin Seligman.  In this episode I share two thoughts - one about growth and the other about gratitude.  Talking about growth, I share the experience that I had last week with really sore muscles due to a HIIT workout.  And how that soreness actually is helping my muscles become stronger but it hurts for a few days.  And how that can also be a metaphor for growth in all aspects of our life.  I also share my gratitude for my gratitude practice each morning and how that has given me more energy,  improves my mood, and helps me reflect back on my day or week.  

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My glucose balancing journey this year  - Episode 146

 “PFC every 3”  In this episode I am sharing a little bit about the things I have learned from my efforts to balance my blood sugar this year.  I begin by talking a little about the things I have learned and also this problem that a majority of women have some sort of disordered eating.  That we need to understand the simple principle of balancing our blood sugar.  I also share what I eat on a typical day. I explain how I am learning to appreciate how my body functions more than how it looks. I will link to all the info of programs and books on my website under this episode.  


Let you desires become a reality  - Episode 145

 “Why not this summer?”  So I have a bit of extra time now this summer since my son left on his mission.  This episode is going to explore the idea of making a desire, even a little one, work to become a reality.  I share my desire to love the clothes in my wardrobe and to become better at shopping and knowing what I need to make it all work for me.  Even if that is not your desire you can still use the same technique to work on your own desires and make them work for you.  And why not make something happen this summer. 


What visa? and momentum  - Episode 144

 “Strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.”  He made it.  In this episode I share about the last day before sending my son off to the MTC.  We had a crazy day of trying to get stuff done for his visa application as well as getting him all packed.  And spoiler alert - I am not that sad.  So today I share another story as me and my family get through another crazy day and send off our Elder Johnson.  Then I talk about momentum and how I am hoping to keep getting things done but at a slower pace.  


The energizer bunny and remembering our dads - Episode 143

 "Remember: What dad really wants is a nap."  Well I made it through the crazy week and am back for episode 143.  Totally nothing life shattering just sharing a bit about my crazy week with all of my kids in town and getting to do all the celebrating and farewell things for my son who is starting as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Then I end with a bit of remembrance of our Dads and some quotes that I found that I liked honoring them.  


Things I learned as a substitute teacher - Episode 142

“I was willing to work despite my fears.”  It is time for me to reflect a bit on the things I learned from being a substitute teacher.  It was quite a challenging 3 months but there were so many things I gained from this experience that I share.  A few examples are understanding the age group I prefer to work with, becoming more brave when taking assignments and I especially loved seeing how the Lord would help direct my day.  


Don't forget to sharpen the saw and creating energy in your space - Episode 141

“Sharpening the saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have - you!”  Two thoughts I share today - one to remind you to sharpen the saw, even when things are super busy.  I share how we can be even more effective when we take some time to rejuvenate our body, minds and spirit.  Then I also talk about creating energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic thoughts ( a nod to thoughts from The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser) with a little help from your environment.  Maybe having a space you love on the outside helps you have more energy on the inside. 


if you give a mom a paint brush - Episode 140

Have you ever read the children’s book, “If you give a mouse a cookie’ by Laura Numeroff?  That is what my life feels like lately, and I am the mouse.  This episode I share a few of the unfinished projects littering my house.  With things like a bed breaking right before Christmas break, a bathroom project almost there and then our washer stops working, it all leads to this trail of piles and mess around my house.  Sadly I don’t have the little boy following me around as I go from project to project.  So give me, the mom, a paint brush and you can see what happens around my house the past few months.  


Proud mama moments and overwhelm - Episode 139

“Trying to live in the present and take in the moment.”  It is a month full of proud mama moments as my son who is a senior in high school prepares to graduate.  I share a few things I am so proud of and also grateful for the things that I learned because of my son in my life.  I also tell you about my feelings of anxiety and overwhelm about all the things that need to get done before my son leaves on his mission.  I talk about some of the tools I am trying to remember to use to help me feel more empowered and excited to do all of the things this month.  And I finish off saying how now that I am working a little more, how impressed I am with all of you mamas out there who work full time and then take care of all the things at home as well. Really I am proud of any mother who just keeps moving along and doing her best!  Have a great mother’s day!


Music, Mother's day and crazy may - Episode 138

 There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill  In today’s episode I share a few thoughts about my weekend singing with my a’cappella group and celebrating the alumni weekend.  Then I include some tips for mother’s day, one of which is to make your wishes for the day known.  I also include some thoughts of all the craziness of May, prom, concerts, graduation and getting my son ready for his mission.  Lastly I share some quotes about mom’s that I found that I thought were really great.  Hang in there all it is going to be a great and crazy month.  


confidence practically speaking - Episode 137

 “The high school is totally looking out for me.”  I am still a little bit obsessed with these principles from The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  So in this episode I share a few things that I have been doing in real life - actually trying to practice that is helping me.  I have a new delusional thought as well as a way to watch basketball games that is way less stressful.  And I have found a way to reflect on my week while at church partaking of the sacrament.  Maybe these can help you too.  


reflect, plan and commit with confidence - Episode 136

 "If you're having a bad day, Change your Mind and have a good day.”  This is the last installment discussing the book, The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  In this episode I discuss the importance of doing an AAR  or after action review after a performance, interview, or any other type of event you want to learn and grow confidence from.  Dr. Zinsser tells us of 3 steps, the what, the so what and the now what.  He gives us a list of questions that I share for each part so that you can continue to learn and gain more confidence after a successful and not so successful performance.  At the end we also learned the most important lesson of the whole book, that we can change our mind. 


Playing a confident game from start to finish - Episode 135

 “Let yourself become fascinated by what you are about to do.”  In this episode I continue to share  more from the book, The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  Now we learn what it takes to stay confident during the actual game.  There is a great phrase that I share from the book that can help you remember to “get out of your mind and into your senses.”  I talk of the 3 step process or the CBA of how to actually do that when you are in the arena ready to go.  Cue your conviction, Breathe your body and Attach your attention.  I explain each part of the CBA  and how to do that when you need to dig down to stay confident so you can perform your best. 


Confidence through Christ - Episode 134

 “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”  Happy Easter everyone!  In this episode I share thoughts about some of the ideas and principles we have learned from The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser and combine them with other principles from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and especially as we think about Jesus Christ, his suffering, death and resurrection this Easter Weekend.  I share some scriptures and ideas that relate to finding confidence with and through Christ.  Things like having the ability to choose,  thinking the best of ourselves and not being paralyzed by mistakes and building confidence despite them.  All of these things can relate to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


pre-game routine - deciding that you are enough - Episode 133

 ”Make the ‘arena’ yours - a place for you to make a big impact doing what you’ve trained to do”  We continue learning about confidence from the book, The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  I share the  elements of a pre-game routine that can help you feel your most confident and perform at your best.  A favorite idea from this episode is the idea to make the arena yours and decide that you are enough.  Let’s go get pumped up together!


deciding to think differently- 7 limiting beliefs & 7 alternative first victory ones - Episode 132

  “Can I still have excellence without finding perfection?”  I continue sharing from the book, The Confident Mind - a battle tested guide to unshakable performance - by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  In this episode I share a bit about the 7  limiting beliefs we are socialized with to make sure we fit in and keep the status quo.  I also reveal the 7 alternative fist victory beliefs that Dr. Zinsser shares that helps to build and keep our confidence as well as help us become great.  It is a lesson in learning to think differently.  


Filtering mistakes to create confidence- Episode 131

  “Let’s begin again and get back to who we really are.”  More talk about confidence,  using the information from the book, The Confident Mind, a battle-tested guide to unshakable performance by Dr. Nate Zinsser. I share ideas about how to remain confident despite failures, setbacks and mistakes.  Really relevant for me this week as I had a big failure that I share and how these tools helped me regain my confidence.  The tools or safeguards for our confidence include the constructive attitude lockdown, the last word and the shooter’s mentality.  All of which can help you keep and even gain confidence during times of mistakes, setbacks or failures.  

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It's ok to be delusional- Episode 130

 “Yes, you are fooling yourself.  But it’s precisely by fooling yourself that you make real change.”  In this episode I continue to share more from the book, The Confident Mind by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  This week we learn about envisioning our great future and being constructively delusional.  I first begin by talking a little bit about my children’s imagination and then our own imagination as adults which turns into more worst case scenario type things or foreboding joy.  Then I share from the book the technique of envisioning and using that as we learn to involve more of our senses.  This idea is quite next level mental filter but adds on to the last few ideas of seeing the best of ourselves in the past and in the present.  I love how he relates being delusional and learning to ride a bike.  Can you envision great things in your life? Well start with a lemon and go from there.  


self-fulfilling prophecy and positive affirmations- Episode 129

 “I am radiant!”  Another episode talking about the book, The Confident Mind - a battle tested guide to unshakable performance by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  This week we take the idea of a mental filter to the next level.  Learning about how we can see ourselves in the future.  In the episode I share about the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy and how we end up making our thoughts about ourselves true.  Then I share how he tells us how to write affirmations for our strengths now and for qualities and outcomes that we want to have happen in the future.  Are you ready to be radiant?  Let’s go! 


Thinking the best of ourselves - working on our mental filter- Episode 128

“...keep looking for the best in yourself.”  Continuing this episode talking about Confidence and the book, The Confident Mind - a Battle Tested Guide to unshakable performance by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  In this episode we get to learn all about our mental filter and how to make the most out of it.  I cover chapter two of the book as we learn about ways to make regular deposits in our mental bank account or what I like to call it our confidence bank account.  You are invited to try 3 different exercises - making a top 10, your daily ESP and your IPR.  These exercises are super practical and help you look for the best in yourself on a daily basis.  


4 pillars of a confident attitude - accepting what you cannot change from the confident mind by dr. nate zinsser- Episode 127

“That’s why I train so hard.  Not just to do it, but to do it right from all the wrong places.”  I continue sharing what I have learned from the book, The Confident Mind - A battle tested guide to unshakable performance by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  This week we learn about things that we cannot change or what he calls the 4 pillars of a confident attitude.  One of my favorites is accepting human imperfection.  I share all 4 pillars and some examples of seeing them in my life.  This is all a great foundation as we begin to learn how to have our first victories. 

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What is confidence? Taking a look into the confident mind by dr. nate zinsser- Episode 126

 “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.  — Sun Tzu, The Art of War”  Confidence is going to be the topic for the next few weeks as we discuss this great book I found, The Confident Mind - A battle-tested guide to unshakable performance- by Dr. Nate Zinsser.  This first part of the book I share the first chapter where Dr. Zinsser discusses and defines confidence and guides us through 5 misconceptions of confidence.  I also share a story of helping my middle schooler change her thoughts so she could accomplish all that was required of her that evening.  

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being a healthy parent and decluttering the mind - Episode 125

 . “It is important to work on your mental/emotional health as a parent.”  I have been realizing lately how important it is to work on your mental and emotional health to be able to show up to all the demands that being a parent throws at you.  So I discuss this importance and also point out a few things. First, you get to decide what a “good” parent looks like for you.  Second, your efforts as a “good” parent should not be measured by the results of your children.  And finally to remember what Stephen Covey taught with the 6th Habit of seek to understand then to be understood and empathic listening. I also tell you how you can declutter your mind.   At the end of the episode you get the tale of a bit of a hectic evening that happened at our house. 

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Glucose Revolution part 3 - Hacks #6-10 Tips to help flatten our glucose curve- Episode 124

  “When you use some of these hacks your cravings begin to go away.” This episode is part 3 and the last podcast about the Book, Glucose Revolution by Jesse Inchauspé.  Today I share hacks #6-10.  These hacks include things like drinking vinegar and moving after you eat.  Lots of really great hacks to help us find ways to flatten our glucose curve and reduce inflammation and free radicals in our bodies as well as many additional benefits like better sleep, more energy and losing weight. 

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Glucose Revolution part 2 - Hacks #1-5 Tips to help flatten our glucose curve- Episode 123

 “In any case, calories measure heat generated, nothing else.” This week I continue sharing parts of the book, Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspé.  In the last part of the book, Jessie Inchauspé writes about 10 hacks that we can try to flatten our glucose curve.  Doing this gives us more energy, reduces cravings,  can help people to sleep better, and even lose weight.  This week I share Hacks #1-5.  Simple tips to help you slowly change your diet in a real and manageable way such as eating in the right order or eating a savory breakfast.  I also share a few of the things that I have been doing as well as some ways I have been trying to invite my family to do as well.  

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Glucose Revolution part 1 - our bodies and glucose- Episode 122

 “Suffice it to say, humans need a tremendous amount of fuel.” This episode is going to highlight a book titled Glucose Revolution - the life changing power of balancing your blood sugar by Jessie Inchauspé. First I begin by sharing the story about my mom and son’s struggle with sleep and how I learned that it can be related to regulating your blood sugar.  In part one of this 3 part series I am sharing the part of the book that helps us understand glucose and how our bodies process glucose for energy and what we do with the extra.  And what an excess of Glucose can do to our bodies.  As many of you may be picking some health goals I am hoping this book and the information will help you with your goals and also it can help you as you regularly Sharpen the Saw (Habit 7 from 7 habits of highly effective people by Steve R. Covey)

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motivation, commitment & goals - Episode 121

 “This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything.” I am excited to begin 2023 and with that I am going to share the ideas of motivation, commitment and goals.  I begin with the importance of having motivation as you start to want to achieve or accomplish something.  That first part is very important but then I also mention that we need to make sure to have the commitment with the motivation to help carry us to the end.  The last part of the episode I share about the importance of goals and the help they give our brain to focus on something.  It is really the essence of the principle of being proactive.  We are deciding how to direct our life.  I hope that as you begin this new year, maybe understanding a little bit of these 3 things can help you go out and make a plan to achieve your goals.  


a look back at 2022 podcasts - Episode 120

 “It’s been fun to look back.”  This week I am taking the last episode in 2022 to look back on the year and talk about some of my favorite podcasts topics from 2022.  Beginning with the book, Atomic Habits and spending the majority of the summer and fall with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people.  Plus a few topics like pet peeves and procrastination also were a few of my favs.  Thanks for being listeners and taking a moment with me to reflect on the past year. 


Be of good cheer - choose happiness this christmas! - Episode 119

“ I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”  Today’s Christmas message is to remind myself and all of you to be of good cheer and be happy.  For the Savior of the World has come and He fulfilled his promises.  I share how it is easy for us to choose to be miserable but that we can remember what this Christmas season really means.  We can have hope and good cheer.  I share a handful of scriptures which remind us to be of good cheer and to fear not.  So as a challenge for all of you this Christmas season - Be of good cheer - choose happiness and hope because we the Messiah has come! 


letting go of expectations- gifts we can give at Christmas - Episode 118

   “Sometimes the expectations we impose upon ourselves actually take away from the joy of the season rather than magnify it.”  Another gift that is free and we can give to ourselves and to others this Christmas season is the gift of letting go of expectations.  Do some of the things we expect or think will make a really great Christmas really bring us closer to the Savior and thinking about what He has done for us? I share how so many movies and past holiday traditions and even media posts like the beloved Pinterest can show us what a really great Christmas should look like.  I share a few examples of how, like a manual we might have for our husband, we can keep an unwritten manual in our heart for what a meaningful Christmas  looks like. And that it’s ok if it doesn’t look anything like that.  I also share this idea of maybe even doing a traditions audit with our family to decide the best activities that will help us  worship the Savior. Hopefully this episode will help you realize that as long as we keep focused on Jesus Christ that is what makes  a meaningful season. 


Don't mention past mistakes - gifts we can give at Christmas - Episode 117

 “Families need one another. Don’t hold grudges.”  This week as we get into December and into the Christmas season I wanted to share a few gifts we can give at Christmas time.  This week I am sharing the idea of not mentioning past mistakes.  It comes from Ezekiel 18:22 which says that God will not mention our past transgressions and so for this season I invite you to refrain from bringing up past mistakes, hurts, embarrassments with your family.  Let’s try to get to know the new and improved people in our families this season.  


understanding smart trust - tools to help you extend trust- Episode 116

 “Extending Trust to others rekindles the inner spirit - both theirs and ours.”  The episode today gets into more depth about the idea of Extending Trust but in a smart way.  What Stephen M.R. Covey writes in his book The Speed of Trust  and calls it Smart Trust.  It involves two thing both a high propensity to trust as well as high analysis.  I also share what it looks like in all the 4 zones of the different levels of trust and analysis and which one is the most beneficial and actually has the lowest risk.  Then I talk of  a few tips that Stephen M.R. Covey gives when you have either broken trust or someone has broken trust with you. Trusty people can feel risky but as you use the tools given by this book you can reduce your risk as well as grow your instinct and intuition as well.  There are a lot of benefits of learning how to extend Smart Trust.   


behaviors 11,12, &13 of the 13 behaviors to help build trust - Episode 115

 “When you make a commitment you build hope, when you keep it, you build trust.”  Finishing up the last 3 behaviors to build trust from the Book, The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey.  These behaviors include, Listen First, Keep Commitments, & Extend Trust.  The first two are quite familiar as they are part of the 7 habits. The last one Extend Trust is a little different as you begin to use trust as a verb rather than a noun.   Also  I share how he helps you to understand a little bit how to extend smart trust.  Plus next week’s episode will go into more depth about smart trust.  I also share a quick overview of the last parts of the book about organizational trust, market trust and societal trust.  It is amazing to think about the impact the “clean and green” experience of being trusted had on Stephen M.R. Covey’s life. 


behaviors 6-10 of the 13 behaviors to help build trust - Episode 114

 “Trust the noun - what we feel - is often the result of trust the verb - what we do.” In this episode I will talk more about the behaviors that help build trust, #6-10 from Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust.  Trust includes both integrity and competence, this episode's behaviors are related to your competence.  They include Deliver results, Get Better, Confront Reality, Clarify Expectations, and Practice Accountability.  I share the principles behind each trust behavior, the opposite and counterfeit of each behavior as well as the left and right of the bell curve to find the sweet spot.  You can reference Episode 112 and 113 for even more background with the 4 cores of trust as well as trust behaviors #1-5.  At the end I invite you to pick one of these competence behaviors to move a little closer to the “sweet spot”


behaviors 1-5 of the 13 behaviors to help build trust - Episode 113

 This week I am sharing 5 of the 13 behaviors included in the Book, the Speed of Trust by Steven M.R. Covey.  These behaviors all relate to your character or the root of the tree (from last week’s podcast ep.112).  They include, talk straight, demonstrate respect, create transparency, right wrongs and show loyalty.  I share the opposite and counterfeit to each of these behaviors and also how to get to the sweet spot, not do too much or too little.  I also share a few experiences I have had this week as I have been trying to practice some of these behaviors myself.  


In the News!

Check out the article written about gratitude journals which features myself on the Family Search Blog.   Thanks to my dear friend Sunny Morton for featuring me.